Q: Does this make the character’s invincible?Ī: No, its just for cosmetic purposes. The normal All-in-One version is for people who want shitty reskins, “DLC” (if that’s what you want to call it) and you know how to play with Sonic Heroes’ files. If in doubt you can’t get the Mod Loader to work, use the All-in-One Installer, it automatically sets up the mod but sadly replaces files compared to the Mod Loader, which just overwrites them for the duration of the game, then restores the original files when done. If you rarely use the Tweakbox or never use it, I would get the normal mod loader version. Click Save and Exit, launch the console, and watch your characters show up in game!Ī: If you can get the Mod Loader working, I would use the Tweakbox Compatibility version, so you still get that Super Soniccy goodness if you use the Tweakbox often (or always). If using the Tweakbox Compatibility version, put the mod at the highest priority (by clicking the up arrow at the down-left corner of the window). From there, tick Super Sonic Heroes in the Heroes Mod Loader Configurator. RAR file (either the full Mod Loader version or the fixed version for Tweakbox) then drag the folder that contains “Mod.ini” and “root” to Mod-Loader-Mods. Q: I can’t setup the mod for the Mod Loader!!! Help!Ī: Extract the.