Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031903.Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031902 (Heard in some Season 5-6 episodes.).Hollywoodedge, Bell Gong With Funny Whi CRT033006 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Fool on the Ed".).Hollywoodedge, Belches Slow Very Low TE035705 (Heard in "For the Ed, by the Ed".).Hollywoodedge, Belch 8 Long Disgusti PE138701.Hollywoodedge, Belch 7 Long Disgusti PE138601.Hollywoodedge, Belch 5 Wet Short Clos PE138401 (Heard once in a low pitch in "Once Bitten, Twice Ed".).Hollywoodedge, Bear Unknown Type Gru AT032701.Hollywoodedge, Bang Whonk CRT032404 (Heard once in "Over Your Ed".).Hollywoodedge, Baby Gurgles PE144801 (1st two gurgles heard once in "Run, Ed, Run".).Hollywoodedge, Baby Crying Slowly PE144001 (Heard in 10 episodes.).Hollywoodedge, Baboon Grunt Inhale AT054301.Hollywoodedge, Baboon Groan Low Pitc AT054001.Hollywoodedge, Auto Jack Wrapid Squ CRT038903.

Hollywoodedge, Ascending Stretch CRT046003 (Heard once in "A Pinch To Grow An Ed".).Hollywoodedge, Army Buglea Sour CRT044203 (Heard in "No Speak Da Ed".).Hollywoodedge, 35mm Still Camera Sho PE179001 (Heard once in "One + One = Ed".).Elektra Records, Happy Baby (Can be heard in the following episodes:).Elektra Records, Dive Bomber/ Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, PROP - LONG DIVE 02 (Heard once in "They Call Him Mr.Elektra Records, Cash Register, Old Crank Type/ Hollywoodedge, Cash Registers Drawe TE021802.Anime Kabuki Sound (Heard in "For Your Ed Only" and "Dueling Eds".).Only one sound effect from the Serafine L2 Sound Effects Library was used in the series. It also uses sound effects from the Series 1000, International, Animal Trax, The Premiere Edition Volume 2 libraries, and a few sound effects from Elektra Records, along with some that are from unknown sound libraries. This show heavily uses sound effects from Cartoon Trax Volume 1, Hanna-Barbera, Warner Bros., Series 4000, Series 2000, Universal Studios, The Premiere Edition Volume 1 and The General Series 6000.